Considering that the body is nearly 60% water, it only takes a 1-2% dehydration level to notice performance changes and increase risk of injury. Although hydrating the body begins long before practice, encouraging athletes to drink a few ounces of water every fifteen minutes- especially during hot & humid temperatures- can minimize risks of dehydration symptoms.
Adolescent and teen athletes are susceptible to dehydrating faster than adults, and the symptoms don't always look the same.
What are indications that an athlete needs fluids?
muscle cramping
decreased focus
decreased hand/eye coordination
increase in errors
dark urine (aim for pale yellow)
irritability (especially in younger athletes)
dry lips and/or tongue
increased heart rate
How do you determine general hydration needs?
Divide your weight (lbs) by 2... that is the number of ounces needed BEFORE factoring in sweat loss. Ex: 150 lbs = 75 oz water.
After 45-60 minutes of intense exercise- again, especially during hot & humid temperatures- water alone isn't always enough to rehydrate the body... replenishing electrolytes becomes essential.
In addition to water, hydrate after & between outdoor workouts with...
sports drinks (opt for those without artificial color and/or sucralose and acesulfame potasssium)
frozen grapes
Or try this refreshing post workout recovery drink.

Maintaining proper hydration throughout practice and after workouts reduces the body's risk of injury and helps it recover effectively for tomorrow's workout.
Wondering if your athlete is meeting their nutritional needs for performance, growth, and recovery?
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